advice on my man who’s in love with another woman

Hi ladies! So I’m going to get right into it. A few months ago right before the pandemic hit I met this amazing man. We get along so well it’s unbelievable to me, and I’ve never felt this way about anybody before. We got to see eachother a handful of times, we fooled around a little, but we only had sex once. (This man is about amazing in bed as he is at everything else he does, he’s literally a dream come true.) So unfortunately because of the pandemic we were forced to be separated, but he stayed where I was and didn’t leave back home because he knew if he got the chance to see me he would take it. We did get to see eachother right before he left for his hometown, and it was absolutely blissful, we spent hours together just talking and fucking. I love this man so much my heart hurts, and he says he feels the same way about me. So the on catch I have about this man is his best friend. Let’s say her name is Penelope. Penelope is extremely Christian, and my man is not. He basically told me that they’ll never be together because her religion won’t allow it, but in his eyes he’ll always love her. As you might have guessed this has caused a lot of heated conversations and insecurities for me. I deal with very bad anxiety, I dropped out of college due to my panic attacks, and the idea of my heart getting broken because he might leave me for her is freaking me out. I try to stay focused and positive, but for example... yesterday they hung out for hours. Right before she came over he texted me, and it was the first time he had texted me all day. Ever since he’s moved back home it’s been hard talking with him because he’s afraid to FaceTime me around his roommates, and he doesn’t really love texting. So we’re texting and he’s like “oh Penelope just got here” and then ignored me all night long. All I could think about was how they were probably cuddling, making eachother laugh. Just jealousy flared up in me, you know. I hate that he’s in love with this girl and always will be, he said that he loves me, and he’s waiting for me. He says he’s committed to me, but I just know that if she only said “I want to be with you” he would drop me instantly, which I have said and he thinks I’m ridiculous for thinking that because in his eyes it’ll never happen. He says he chose me out of everyone on this planet and that he wants to be with me only. I hate feeling this, I’m so used to being confident and worrying about myself. I don’t want to spend the whole summer while he’s gone freaking out over what probably won’t happen. Basically I am just asking what do you ladies think? Should I be weary? Maybe I should just wait for our relationship until he gets back? Am I just over reacting?! Please help :(