Was it a miscarriage?


Ok so I think about this often. Several years ago when family came to visit it was right after a very unusually light period just spotting, but the spotting continued the entire week they were visiting. So two weeks of spotting. While they were here I felt horrible, tired...no more like exhausted, sad just not happy and could barely fake a smile, not just cramping but my entire abdominal area just didn’t feel right, nauseous, my abdomen was firm and tender. Well the night they left I was still spotting and feeling crappy so I had my husband take me to the er. They took blood and urine samples, did a pregnancy test, came back negative and everything else was normal. During the physical exam she said there was trace amounts of blood and that it was just my period ending and sent us home. However, the next morning I woke up to the HEAVIEST period I have ever had, which lasted another week! Still with cramping, back pain, nausea.

Before that happened I never felt pregnant at all, but I’ve also never been good with taking my pill. Never the same time every day, and I always missed days. Which could be added up to a week or two a month of missed pills.

Like I said in the beginning of this post it was like 5-6 years ago, but I think about it all the time. I can’t remember if I mentioned anything to either of my doctors (regular and gyno) because the er said it was nothing to worry about, in fact I think I called my gyno that morning and told them everything plus what the er said and they said not to worry it was just my period.

But my husband and I are finally ready to start a family and my gynecologist suspects that I might have endometriosis. I’ve had the ultrasound test to see if anything else could be causing my pain and nope nothing there, so the next step for that is the laparoscopy, we plan to try getting pregnant first and if nothing happens within a couple of months I’ll have the surgery.

Backstory on possible endometriosis, for the past almost two years now my period symptoms have been getting worse. Horrible leg pain in all the leg joints that radiates outward, almost unbearable cramping pain, heavy bleeding, exhaustion to were all I do is sleep for three days. Around the fourth day it all calms down. My doctors (regular and gyno) both believe I may have always had it but getting on the pill helped for years and it just wasn’t anymore, cause in high school I had the same issue with my period.

My concern is if that was a miscarriage, and I have endometriosis how hard will actually getting pregnant and carrying to term?

Edit to add, just looked up the signs of one before making this post and I hit every single symptom for a miscarriage. Not that a dr could tell now it’s been so long, but it just drives me a bit crazy sometimes wondering.