I’m so confused on what he said!

I’ve been talking to this guy for months now. We went on a few dates and I even went over to his house a handful of times. Never actually had sex but did other things. Since the corona virus, we haven’t been able to do anything. It was like a month ago where we had something planned but he had to cancel because he was busy. He’s a single dad of a young kid, has work, and school. I get that he’s super busy and I knew that from the beginning. I knew what I was getting myself into. 2 days ago we were major flirting over text as always. Even last night he texted me saying he wished he was with me instead of at work. However I mentioned something like “do you really because sometimes idk”. That’s when it went downhill and he told me he knows he’s been distant lately and that he’s sorry. He said he’s definitely focusing on school, work, and his daughter and he doesn’t really know what he wants rn and doesn’t have a lot of time and doesn’t want to hurt me. I told him I was confused and that I knew what I was getting myself into and that I like talking to him and don’t want to stop that. He then said he didn’t mean he doesn’t want to stop talking to me. He just doesn’t know if he can give me what I want as in a relationship rn and that he can’t give his all to anyone rn. I replied back saying that he is giving me what I want in a way, that he talks to me when he can every day and that means a lot. I told him I didn’t really expect anything right now as he’s super busy and trying to figure things out but that I’m just enjoying texting him everyday and occasionally sending him pics. He never responded to that text because it was late and he fell asleep. From what I can understand is that he doesn’t want to stop talking but that it’s not going to go any further at the moment because of everything. He literally sent “I like talking to you too, I didn’t mean I was going to stop talking to you lol”. So then I felt super stupid. I don’t know how to cont. asking him if he wants to cont. talking as normal? I get that he’s busy. I always knew that and tbh never expected us to be in a relationship anytime soon bc we haven’t gone anywhere or hung out in over a month. But if we could still talk as we have been and when things ease down maybe it’ll be something? Like I thought he was letting me down easy with the first text but then says he doesn’t want to stop talking to me?