Foreign bf - first time having sex

I live in the states, he lives in another country. He plans on visiting me end of this year or early next year.

We plan on having sex, it would be both of our first times. We don’t want to use a condom and are still discussing if he should finish inside of me. (TMI sorry) Of course I am scared of getting pregnant.

He has told me he will buy whatever we need in order to make me feel comfortable; including birth control and the morning after pill. He said his main priority is to make me feel good first.

I would also want to get STD/STI testing just to be safe. I know I can get birth control, the after pill and the testing done without parent permission.

How long do test result for STD/STI take to come back? Bc I am not sure how long he will be visiting for and of course I would like results back before having sex.

Also, if I were to get on the birth control pill, since he offered to but it, is there a period of time I need to start taking it before having sex? Or does it work immediately? Like do I need to take the pill for a couple of weeks before so it’s more effective or can I take it for the first time right before having sex?

Another question is, since of course he will be visiting, after he goes back home, do I need to continue to use the birth control pill? If so for how long?

Also please list any other things that you think would help me be more comfortable for my first time having sex :)