More likely to be fraternal or identical?


I know it’s too early and you can’t tell what you are having at 9 weeks, but there are supposed clues of either/or. I just can’t tell by looking at my ultrasound if they have two placentas or not. My doc isn’t sure either since he said the last scan before my <a href="">iui</a> showed I had one good follicle size of 21 mm and the next one up after that was only 14 mm which he said doesn’t typically release an egg. I’m not sure if he’s aware the nurse extended me to do one more day of gonal injection after that last scan then pull the trigger shot (ovulation trigger) the next day. The following day after that was my <a href="">iui</a>. From my understanding, follicles can still grow all the way up until ovulation by 1-3 mm a day so I’m not sure why he said he was perplexed unless I randomly on my own had an egg split which would cause identical instead of fraternal. I’m 38 years old and we had fertility treatments done due to mild male factor although my fsh was great, my amh was low so the doc really wasn’t expecting more than one conception if that with letrozole, gonal f injections, and then the hcg trigger shot to time my ovulation. Not sure if any of that matters, but I really really want fraternal. It’s more risky with identical, plus I’d like a chance to have both boy and girl considering this will probably be my one and only time to get pregnant. ...anyways, looking at these pics of these ultrasounds, can anyone see any clues that point up to either way. I have no idea what I’m looking at!

Pic below at 7.5 weeks