It’s crazy he is still alive , there must be a reason

My dad shouldn’t be alive right now. At 12 he got meningitis and they thought he wouldn’t survive but he did.

At 50 he was choking on food , turning blue. but my uncle who’s a doc happened to be there and save him.

At 64 he had a silent heart attack which doctors said it’s a miracle he is still alive. That most people would have died. And lemme tell you , my dad isn’t in good shape. He has diabetes and is a bit over weight.

So these are the only incidences that Ik of where it’s crazy he is still alive. So it makes me think, whatever you want to believe in a god(s) or some higher power, fate / destiny, that there is a reason he is still here. I’m trying to figure out what that is but I have no idea.

Maybe it’s so he can try to make up to my brother for being a shit father all his life.

Maybe it’s not even for any of our family/ friends. Could even be for a complete stranger we haven’t met yet. Idk but it’s insane.

Ps this makes it sound like I’m not grateful he’s alive or that I want him to be haha ofc I do I love my dad and he is a great person. It’s just crazy to me.