It’s nothing but it’s still annoying me?

I’ve been driving for 6 years and my boyfriend always says I’m too nice and when someone asks for a lift, parents, friends, I 80% of the time agree to it if im not busy because why not it’s nice to be nice? Don’t get me wrong they don’t ask everyday nor would I do it everyday because I can’t and I don’t want to get the piss ripped out of me. They always give me £5-£10 as a thank you so they don’t expect it for nothing. But it seems to wind my boyfriend up more than it should because he says I’m not a taxi service and they’ll get used to it and just expect me to do it for them. But I only do it once every couple of weeks so it’s hardly anything.

My partner passed his driving test last Friday and the first day he picked his dad up from work. The Saturday he drove his brother 2 hours to his friends house, he then drove home and took his mum shopping. Monday he drove to his grans 1 hour away to get her milk then drove home. All week his phones been pinging and it’s his friends or family asking for a lift which he’s responded maybe an hour later saying do you need the lift? Then today he drove 2 hours before work to pick his brother up, drove to work and he’s just texted me saying he’s dropping the 2 guys that work with him off after work and they both live in completely different directions which means he’s going back on himself.

Sorry if I sound crazy but he’s moaning at me saying I shouldn’t be a taxi driver but he’s only been driving a week and he’s doing this? Yes they are lovely deeds and helping people out, that’s why I do it. But it’s okay for him to tell me I’m a mug for helping my friends and family out, yet he can do it and it’s okay? Does this make sense? I’m probably acting crazy but you get me?🙈🙈

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