Baby registries


My family and I did 3 registries and I wanted to share the items received with them. I have combined the items already so keep that in mind, I can try to say what came from which company if asked!

We had registries at Target, Walmart, and Buy Buy Baby. Target you have to go in store and scan a barcode. Walmart ships the box for free. BBB you go in store and they look up the registry.

We also have multiples of some items: changing pad, Johnsons shampoo, boogie wipes, Lansinoh sample, Noodle & Boo, wipes, Dr. Browns bottle, and MAM pacifier (I think I covered it). I also got a nice amount of coupons!

Overall, I'm very happy with each box. I didn't know what to expect so I wanted to share here with any others that are curious! I've heard that items can vary, but I don't imagine it would be much different!

Edit: not pictured is a white newborn onesie from Target.