Please 😩Help 😢 kids school advice

Ok so this pandemic has been hard everything about it , schooling has been hard also because my child has special needs and he just doesn’t want to cooperate sometimes which I don’t blame him he’s trying to adjust as everyone else in the world is . Well I made a huge mistake and idk how to go about it .

I got overwhelmed I’m a single mother of four usually my older two are in school so it’s easier to keep up w things around the house. Well I was feeling my place was getting out of hand so my aunt suggested a cleaning crew that are her friends that she uses for her Apts she owns well I had separated my child’s homework and other school related stuff like his IEP , flyers, crafts because by memory I know ok my kids school things will be here and I can find them it wasn’t really organized but I was working on that and I had another pile of stuff I took my name off of and personal info so I can toss it in the dumpsters . Well I had got the piles mixed up and told the workers Ok thing on the left can be thrown away . I didn’t notice the mistake I had made until days later and the trash had already been picked up. Idk what to tell the school I’m so stressed out . They already make me feel uncomfortable because I’m pretty sure I’m one of the few Hispanic parents at the school, on top of being a single mom, I’ve complained to the school about how I’ve been treated but the principal just says I’ll look into it . They’ve called cps on me before a few times and the worker literally sees nothing wrong with what they accuse me of and close everything they just suggest to stay in communication w the school which I do .

Idk what to to do or how to approach this it makes me scared to even talk to them . Any advice?