I hate the feeling of NOT knowing !!!

So I’m 14dpo and AF is due today well I haven’t had any of my normal month to month pms symptoms (which is very strange for me). Also I’ve been having this white milky cm and normally for me I’ll be dirt dry a few days before AF is due (and btw I know some people say cm is not an indicator of pregnancy but everybody is different). I’ve been crampy but nothing major like my pms cramps and TMI but yesterday I had bad diarrhea out of nowhere and now it’s gone 🤔. I’ve been starving but yet the thought of eating makes me feel sick 😩 I’ve only been able to keep chicken noodle soup down. I can’t even drink water because it taste disgusting and I love me a cold glass of water. And my husband that NEVER gets sick was down for like a week before I started having my little symptoms it’s like he was being very picky with his food he could only eat certain things and normally he’s not picky at all and he was having bad nausea and people kept telling him that I’m pregnant lol. Ugh I just wana know and I’m not big on testing so I’m playing the waiting game with AF 🙄. I cross my fingers and pray she doesn’t show her ugly face 🙏🏽🙂

P.S we’ve been trying going on 4 1/2 years so I’m hoping this is it ❤️