My Little Mouse may be a Butterfly 🦋


Hey everyone, I’m around 17 weeks and still have yet to go to the doctor. Don’t get me wrong I’ve made plenty of appointments but the doctors have been giving me the run around. I made an appointment last week for the 20th this week and when I went the assholes told me they had to call me to confirm my appointment in order for it to be permanent even though I scheduled it through their appointment app and received confirmation that it was set, but yet no one called me between the 12th and the 20th. Now I have to wait another 2 weeks to come back.

It’s frustrating when other people don’t do their job but blame you, Ive been anxious to see my baby and so has my husband, he was so upset when she told us we couldn’t come in and honestly I cried for a good hour while we walked through Walmart grocery shopping. I’ve been solely relying on a fetal Doppler to make sure my baby is ok and recently have begun to feel flutters in my stomach every few hours which reassured me that my baby was becoming more active. I received a flutter of hope.

(This isn’t really a question just some venting I really needed as I live in a house where everyone speaks Vietnamese and I don’t really have anyone to talk to except my Husband who is at work until 5 lol)