Feeling weak because I'm depressed


For awhile now I've been dealing with anxiety and depression. Not being able to sleep, don't want to be around people, can barely make myself get ready to leave my house. I'm not usually this way. I usually want to hang out with friends, can't wait to get out of the house. Just yesterday something triggered it to make things even worse. I've had a car that has barely run for 3 years now, every year I'm told we will get one this year but it never happens. This year we actually saved the money for a good down payment, paid some things off and can afford a newer used vehicle. I'll admit I got excited. We found several that we really liked but they were a few hours away. After we talked to them and our bank we discovered it's impossible, there is no way we will be able to buy a vehicle for awhile. Probably until next year....once again. My husbands credit is to low to get a loan. A few years ago I got a credit card and started to build my credit so I could with my score but I'm not allowed to use my score since I don't make more than he does. We are back to square one without the hope of getting a car until atleast 6 months down the road. I added him as an authorized user on my card, but he has to build it up now. We could co sign yes, but I don't think my family will, and his is in so much debt I doubt they can. We've never missed a payment on anything, we rarely but much, so this makes it very frustrating. All this happening has made my depression even worse. Now I don't feel like even getting our of bed. What's the point. Then I feel bad for feeling this way. I'm sorry for the long post but I don't even know how to deal with it anymore.