Baby slid off the bed 😭😭😭

Ok I can’t believe I’m actually writing this... my 5 month old slipped off the bed.... I put her down on the bed as I sat on the floor next to the bed to put in her bath soap... and literally in the second I turned my head away she somehow fidgeted and slipped legs first off the foot of the bed😭😭😭

She landed sort of onto her bum and then almost slowly fell foreword and her head touched the hard wood floor😭😭.... I picked her up instantly and she cried a little but was settled again within minuites.... we rang for an ambulance instantly

They told us 2 hours... but one hour later we got s call from a paramedic asking all details about what happened and how she is now- which she was back to her normal self, no dent or bump, just a little red mark, she had also laughed and giggled in this time.... he said he was confident for us to continue with her normal routine for bed but to keep an extra close eye on her..

So that’s basically the end of the story, she went to sleep st around 8:30 and she’s just woke for a really short feed and a cuddle (which she does every night around this time..)

Basically I’m just looking for some more re assurance from some other mums😭 bc I’m hating myself so so much right now.... and even though I have been re assured by the paramedic that she is fine.... obviously she hasn’t actually been seen and unfortunately with covid it’s not really possible to whip her down to hospital to be checked over😢😥 I’m just sick with worry & can’t move from right next to her.... please no judgement I am a first time mum and trust me I’m already punishing myself enough 😭😭