Fussy baby

My daughter is 7 months and she’s been super fussy and tired all day, she normally takes forever to put down for a nap and they’re normally very short but today they’ve been long and she’s gone down super easy. She’s been really constipated so yesterday she had an enema and after lots of screaming and straining she made a huge poo. She was doing great after that but then I fed her some mango later (which she hasn’t had before) and an hour or 2 later she threw up everywhere. ( she’s never thrown up but idk if it was just upset tummy from being constipated or the mango) so idk if she’s just worn out today from having a bad day yesterday or maybe she’s starting to teeth but she doesn’t have a fever or anything. I feel like im rambling at this point I’m just worried but I called her dr last night and she said if she puked again to bring her in but she didn’t puke again. I guess I’m asking if any of this seems normal. I just want her to be ok, with everything going on everywhere I’m more anxious then ever .