10k for Vasectomy reversal and no sperm 😭


I just need to vent. We both had kids before we met. He got a reversal just months before we met. I was happy about it at the time cause I thought I was done.

Fast forward to 8 years later. We have been married for almost 3 years. 11 months ago for our 2nd year anniversary we cancelled our anniversary trip and excitedly decided to get a reverse vasectomy surgery. We were told we had an 80% chance or higher to conceive. I was over the moon! I went out and bought the cutest baby stuff you have ever seen! I have a corner in my closet and 2 drawers full of the sweetest baby items. Well, in 12 days we will be a year out from our surgery.

The last sperm check was months ago and it was zero spent count then so I have to assume it’s the same now. 11 periods for me that show up like clockwork. 11 times my heart sinks a little more than the month before.

I thought it would be easy.

I thought we’d pay for a surgery and the service we paid for would produce a sweet baby in our arms.

I know God can do anything.


We need one.

We wanted to surprise everyone when we became pregnant so we didn’t tell anyone we got the reversal. Now that choice has lead to my silent pain for almost a year.

(Also, I’m a teacher and we can’t afford a second procedure.)

Thank you so much for listening!!!!!!!!!!