Need another opinion, please

Hi ladies,

This is mine and my husband's second month TTC #2. We used preseed this month for the first time ever. I had my last period on the 3rd of May, and my cycle is normally every 24-28 days. Normally whenever I bloat and get crampy I'll end up with my period later that day or by the next day. I shouldnt have my period until between the 27th-30th. But I've been super bloaty and crampy for the last couple days, and my nipples/boobs have been sore on and off for about a week. Yesterday, which is not normal for my cycles at all, I was VERY lightly spotting redish/pinkish. I do have a 9yo, and I did have implantation bleeding with him. But I did take a digital test yesterday (blue dye) that came out negative. Maybe I tested too early? I'm not sure whats going on, I'll definitely be waiting to see what happens. Just wanted another person's opinion?