Little One not eating enough


Hello ladies, my son is 6 months and 6 days old. He has not been a great eater from the beginning. But he has been eating well (25-27 oz in 24 hour period) 2 weeks before his 6-month shots. Even then, he would be too distracted to eat and we would end up dreamfeeding him during his naps, nighttime for the most part

But from the time he got his 6-month shots, he is not eating at all. This entire week he took only approximately 17-19 oz in 24 hour period and that too mostly dreamfed.

We had to constantly watch his weight since the beginning and I am worried about his eating now. His weight and all other growth aspects are within his curve at his 6-month appointment (this is mostly because of our efforts to constantly feed him even if it comes down to dreamfeeding).

I don’t know if it’s teething or his shots or he is too distracted or not hungry at all or something else.. but are you experiencing anything like this with your little one? Anyone knows any tips or tricks to make him want to eat more? Any suggestions?

And I almost forgot.. I started him on solids 2 weeks back and he doesn’t take too much of it either and I am aware that his nutrition should still come from milk and formula, so I am still worried. And he takes a combination of breastmilk and formula.

I also want to break the habit of dreamfeeding. Since I dreamfeed, by the time he wakes up he is not hungry and doesn’t eat. But if I don’t dreamfeed, he wouldn’t eat at all or may be very less.

Please let me know your experiences, it will be very helpful, thank you!