Please Pray for me.

ANR • Living, Existing, TTC-ing. Waiting for you.
The power of prayer is huge. Especially in numbers. My name is ashley roberts and my husband is sean. We've been trying for 4+ years. Im 25. Never had children. Its all we want. Most of us know the struggle and the heartache of ttc. Believe in us. Take a second out of your lives to put in a prayer for us. Talk to God. He's listening. Everyone has their time when eventually after trying so long and hard, they find their peace. We want ours. God grant us the precious gift of a child for us to love and raise and teach. We will not disappoint. I want to carry a child. I want to feel that bond. I want to feel the sickness and joy of pregnancy. All of it, good and bad. Pray for us. I know our time for parenthood is coming. You can help push us towards that time. With just a prayer from each of you. I strongly believe this. Thank you all so so much.