Sex Advice

I have been really confused for the past few months on whether or not I am asexual. I must have gone on every single site and done dozens of quizzes. Every time I think about it I just want to break down crying out of confusion and desperation. Whenever I look at people or celebrities, I never think about them in a sexual way, I just think they’re easy on the eyes, and even when I’m having sex with my boyfriend, I usually just wait for him to finish, and sometimes I do orgasm, but I usually don’t like the idea of sex, and would be okay with the idea of having sex occasionally, but when my friends were talking about it, they were saying they are having sex everyday if not multiple times a day. I can usually only go for 10-20 minutes or whenever my partner finishes ONCE, and if he wants to go again I find myself unable as I feel very sore and dry (yes, even with lube) and just no longer in the mood. I do find myself sometimes horny and sometimes I am in the mood for sex, but I know my partner would prefer having sex more frequently and daily which I never find myself up for.

If someone has an advice or answers I would really appreciate it, I have just been lost and confused lately

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I, too, have been that way most of my post pubescent life. I do have 3 children. I enjoy sex occasionally, but I by no means have ever felt like I NEED it. I'm lucky to be with someone who doesn't take it personally. We talk about our relationship enough to be on the same page.Yes, your sexu8can be confusing, but don't stress over it. If you understand you have a low libido/don't really care about sex physically, then that's all that matters. You very likely would be considered asexual, but only if you feel you need a label. If your partner understands, take it for what it is.


Christine • May 27, 2020


Posted at
Get your testosterone checked. Apparently women can have low testosterone too and it greatly affects libido. Can be a side effect of BCP


Posted at
I feel the same way but I gave up questioning it. It is what it is lol 🤷🏼‍♀️ We still have sex a few times a week and that’s more than enough for me lol. I’m not someone that needs it. It probably takes me like a month to be like wow I need to have sex. But it hasn’t gotten that long in over a year so I don’t even know what the craving sex feels like anymore lol. Some people are just built differently. I didn’t even know about asexual until like last week and I was like hmm kinda describes me. But I don’t need a label on my lack of sex drive 😂