I need to know if I’m over-reacting

Hello everyone,

I’m in my third trimester and a mother to a beautiful toddler. My husband is not as helpful as I would like him to be especially because I’m pregnant and suffering from serious pelvic pains.

It’s like when I ask him to help me with something whether it be our other child or house chores that I’m better off just doing it myself cause he’s always going to say NO. I think I can count how many times he’s said yes.

He moved his younger sister in a few months ago without telling me it was going to be longer than just 3 months and I’ve been dealing with that as well. Its not that she’s horrible it’s just that she isn’t the cleanest, she smokes weed everyday and sometimes comes home drunk. She sleeps in the room that was designated for my toddler and they will be sharing a room soon. I’ve repeatedly told the both of them that this room can not be a mess, my child is going to sleep here she doesn’t need to climb mountains of clothes to get to her bed or sleep in a room with someone who is either drunk or high.

He also enjoys smoking weed and I made a rule that they aren’t allowed to smoke in the house under any circumstances but when I came home from a walk yesterday, I caught them both smoking weed in the balcony together. Prior to actually going on a walk I got in a huge argument with my husband cause I was fed up that he wouldn’t put our toddler to sleep. As I said before I always do everything when it comes to cooking and cleaning and taking care of my child, and most of the time I don’t mind. But when I ask for help I do not expect a NO especially cause I don’t always ask.

His sister tries to help me but I don’t feel comfortable because she’s always high and I just hate having her living with us. I’ve voiced my opinion several times but it’s always a bunch of false promises. Last night when I caught them smoking in the balcony together I packed a bag and stayed the night at a hotel and the next morning came to pick up my daughter and went to my parent’s house.

I know this is long but I have no one else to talk to about this and I would like some advice. I’m pregnant and just stressed cause I feel like my voice and my opinion doesn’t matter. I haven’t gained weight in an entire month and overall I just want my space back I’m tired of having the same fight about weed, my toddlers room, being helped .. etc.