My turn!

Emily • Aaron Michael 4/14/2020💙

After two years of trying to have my baby and reading everyones story its my turn!

My son was due April 17th, but because of my Gestational Diabetes my MFM wanted me to be induced before my due date. My last appointment was the week before on April 10 when i was 39 weeks exact. My regular OB asked me if i wanted to wait or be induced since babe was still very high up and I hadn’t dilated at all. So hubby and I went with an induction. So he scheduled the induction for Monday April 13th for 8pm. That whole day i was anxious. I could not sleep for the life of me so i went to the store to grab the last minute things i may need for me and the baby once he was born. Finally it came time to go to the hospital we left about 30 minutes ahead because of the check in they do at the door for Covid. Once we got in they tried 4 times before my IV went in. Changed rooms once. They started giving me cervidil at 11 pm and checked me every 2 hours. When they came in at 1 to give me the next pill they checked my cervix and I hadn’t dilated at all. Same thing at 3. At 5 the nurses said i was at 1 and when the doctor came in at 7 he checked i was still at one and we started the pitocin. After that i felt intense cramping in my back like extreme period cramps. I’m assuming that was my labor but by 3 pm nothing had changed and my OB wanted to do a C-Section so at 5:30 we went in and at 5:55 pm weighing 7 pounds 14 ounces and 21 inches long aaron michael was born. He had trouble with his sugar for 24 hours and was on oxygen for an hour but he is worth the wait!

When he was born

And now 6 weeks old💙