7W3D Advice

Angel • 🌈 Asauna Hlee October 03, 2021 💜 Antonio De’Shaun II September 15, 2023 🩵 June 10,2017 👼🏽 April 02, 2019 👼🏽 June 4, 2020 👼🏽

So I went to my normal doctor check up yesterday (I’ve had 2 miscarries so my doctor is checking my levels and checking ultrasounds at almost every appointment) my normal appointment was to hear my baby heart beat and to see my baby but the ultrasound tech could not find a heartbeat nor could see a baby at all so my doctor order another HCG level test. My test came back and it has increased significantly so my doctor is issuing another ultrasound on June 4 because the HCG levels doubled from the last one I had done. I’m trying so hard not to worry but I’m terrified that I may end up losing my baby again. If possible please say a positive prayer for me!

And any momma’s who has had this happen any advice would be greatly appreciate! 💜💜💜