Constant and headaches and bleeding

Melissa • 28 married to my childhood sweetheart ttc one more after all the mcs and ectopic pregnancies. fx
I'm 11 weeks and 4 days pregnant. I have three healthy children but me and hubby have been trying for 3 yrs with no luck til now. I was so excited when the test came back positive and now I'm bleeding. It started yesterday light pink to brown. Now it's bright red. I'm not having excruciating cramps but I'm cramping slightly. I'm so paranoid. So nervous. Dr said it was normal when I called her yesterday but it's gotten worse. The clinic I go to is closed on Sundays. So I will have to wait til Monday. I'm on bed rest for a week says my dr. I only get up to pee. No fun. Any advice? Am I miscarrying? Also since I found out I'm pregnant I've been having horrible headaches. Any one else go thru this and still have a healthy baby?