Rona wedding disaster


I started planning a small wedding for June 27th with my fiancé of 3 years we wanted to get married a long time ago but stuff happened and every time I brought it up to my mom she was worried about taxes and financial aid and stuff so we kept postponing it and finally I was like I’m going to marry him so I started planning and didn’t tell my mom because I didn’t want to hear it and then I sent her a picture of my wedding dress on Sunday and she asked why I said because and then I said do you like the one I got she said yea fast forward to today her and my whole side of the family are being absolutely hateful and bitchy because they are high risk and worried about corona and rather then helping figure out a solution like just have a ceremony no reception and stay separated they bullied me into postponing it until next year at this point I’m debating if I even want any of them there it would have been different if she said something before I started buying things and hiring people but she waited till today and she and my cousin were AWFUL to me

Should I just do a small ceremony without them or should I wait till next year when it’s “safe”