Chance? We are not trying to have a baby..

We have sex ..a lot though unprotected at that.. we just cant keep our hands off eachother.. i love him so much & we want kids just not right now.. i ordered a pregnancy test on amazon it should be here by tomorrow soo😩 im anxious as hell cause yesterday in the morning i threw up but swallowed it🤢 been tired as hell and had a headache for the past 3days now(?) i think maybe 4 or 3 my nipples have been a bit more sensitive now.. kinda sore.. i been nauseous and emotional....

Edit: we use the pullout method on & off

Hes not the best :/ dont ask me why he doesnt use condoms 😅

So should i go to the dollar general down the street and test now? Me & him smoke weed everyday btw i would say 5 backwoods a day ( the most) on the week days the weekends i cant say lol if that makes a difference with pregnancy