My June baby was a May baby 👶🏼


Long post/ possible trigger warning ⚠️: I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl on May 26, 2020. I went in to be induced on May 25 in the morning at 37 weeks pregnant due to high blood pressure. I was checked at 1 cm and my cervix still needed softened so they put the cervidil inside and checked me again in 4 hours to see if id need another pill. 4 hours later she checked i was a 2 possibly a 3 & I was bummed that i barely progressed because i was having contractions every few minutes consistently. They checked me 2 hours later i was 3 cm so i asked for my epidural awhile because the contractions were starting to hurt. I got the epidural and it helped alot at first but mainly was numbing one side more than the other and i could still feel contractions. They broke my water and i was put on pitocin. They started slow and ended up upping it alot. Checked me a little later i was only 4cm. I was getting scared id need a c-section. At this point it was hours after they broke my water now my baby was getting distressed so they had to put fluids back inside! Fast forward to about 7 am the next day i was feeling so miserable and they check me and im shocked they say im 8cm! I got excited, and then at 9:30 i asked to be checked again because i was feeling more pressure with the contractions and she said i was 9.5, still a lip she could feel. Only about 20 minutes later i say i think im 10 now. She checked and said yup you are ready, i can feel her head. Finally! So i started pushing at 9:53 and she came out 2 minutes later at 9:55 ! We were all shocked how fast she came! Only 2 pushes through 2 contractions and she was here 😍🥰. They put her on my chest and she cried right away so i was relieved when i heard her first cry! But then they took her and she was kind of purple. Before i knew it a bunch of nurses and doctors were around her. Long story short is she swallowed fluid when she came out and was having difficulty breathing on her own. She never was brought back into the room with me and then we finally went to the nursery to see her and she was hooked up to a bunch of things and on oxygen. She wouldn’t stop grunting and was breathing hard 😭. So the next 24 hours she was being watched closely and the hospital I delivered at didn’t have an NICU so they talked about the possibility of her being transferred to one. The next day i was discharged without her, it was really hard to leave without her but she was slowly doing better and could stay at that hospital. They were slowly weaning her off the oxygen and i live a few minutes away so me & my husband have been visiting. Today she was doing great! 🙌🏼 shes off oxygen and feeding from a bottle. She should be home with us this weekend, and her big brother can’t wait to meet her!!

So here she is : Adalyn Nicole 5 lbs 11 oz, 19.5 inches