Today's Update

Well, I have mixed news. It's grown. There is a visible yolk sac now and beginning of fetal pole. But because it's growing so behind this is likely still not viable. I have to come back Friday, when she will call it if there is no heartbeat. Thankfully, she is willing to do a D&C because it might take my body up to a month to recognize  the miscarriage. I'm relived about that. So, Friday afternoon, I will have the ultrasound. If there is no heartbeat, I will take the pain medication and a half hour later she will do the D&C. I feel a lot better knowing that I won't have to wait this out. And maybe we will have a miracle on Friday. Either way I know there will be movement in one direction or the other on Friday. Thank you all for your support and well wishes. If this doesn't turn out well, I will hopefully be jumping back in with you after my next transfer. ❤️