This is it!

15 DPO 5th cycle ttc #1. I’m 32. Can’t believe what I’m seeing! Still need to take another test later to confirm! I waited until I was officially late today to finally test!

Did my best not to symptom-spot this cycle since every time I do AF comes! Looking back here’s how the last two weeks went.

I stopped BBtemping at 10 DPO Bc it was giving me anxiety that temp would drop. Had some VERY MILD nipple sensation around 6-11 DPO but then disappeared. No headaches. Slight cramps that felt different than the ones I usually get. VERY SLIGHT nausea just like upset taste in my back of my mouth that happened maybe 3 times. CM increased the past few days which I thought was weird Bc I’m usually dry leading up to AF but honestly I kept thinking it was AF Bc felt it a lot had to keep checking. Last night was in bed by 8:30pm but for the last week I wake up multiple times in the night to pee (not too unusual for me) but wide awake by 5:45AM (weirder). Wouldn’t necessarily say I’m fatigued during the day. Also side note had a fish dream last week (old wive’s tale) lol. All in all TWW symptoms SO MILD nothing that stood out, felt like every other previous cycle.

This app has been a great support system!