I’m just exhausted

I work at a daycare and it’s very stressful.Recently I had a anxiety attack and my anxiety keep coming up randomly out of no where and I hate it .At my job I take care about eight 2 year olds and sometimes eight 1 year olds Im always having these thought that I’m not a good enough to be doing this jobs that I just need to be on top of everything while feeding the kids ,putting them to bed ,changing them ,redirecting them and at the end of the day it leave me with just back pain and by night time it’s like my anxiety builds up and it’s been mostly every night that i get it .I only have this jobs is because my parents think it’s a great job for me to have because it’s close by home (since I can’t drive they take me for specific reason) they offer insurance it looks professional but it’s just make me exhausted it a hard unpaid job and it’s messing with my mental health and I just don’t know how to tell my parents that work of field is not for me plus I don’t want to upset them