hey luvs <3 it would mean alot to me if you read this


So a couple of weeks ago my grandpa peacefully passed away.

It was devastating at first but after a few days i got over it because i knew he was in pain and now he’s in a better place

Just yesterday i began to realize how anxious I’ve been ever since he died. I was constantly worrying much about the safety and health of all my friends and family.

I also had a panic attack last night due to something really really small and couldn’t seem to relax and fall asleep.

And today i’ve been having trouble breathing at times and getting a weird feeling in my stomach sometimes. I took an anxiety test and these were my results

Does this mean i could have anxiety?

Thanks for reading :)

update: it is now july 31st, it has been 3 months since my grandpa passed. i am now in therapy and i have learned how to deal with panic attacks. im treating my anxiety and i am much happier right now

thanks for all the support ❤️❤️