any ladies experience the same

okay so i was due june 6 but on may 25th my baby kicked me so heard I heard a pop noise then i began to get wet I thought it was a period .. i started cramping but nothing crazy so I went back to lay down but was timing the cramps which was coming every 10 mins then it went to every 3 mins then it went to every 40 seconds .. I finally decided to go to the hosiptal and they tested the liquid/ watery discharged and said that was my water breaking .. i was only 1cm but they admitted me and in 3 hours i went to 9.5 cm !! how come there are women who are more than 1cm then me for weeks and didn’t have intense contractions but I did at 1cm? anyways I gave birth 3 hours later from the contractions everything went so quick.. she was born at 38 weeks and 3 days weighing 5lbs 9oz