No period

Beth • 💙 4/2/2022 💕💕 baby number 2 EDD Aug 2024

Nauseous and slight headaches. Breast soreness went away. And BBT is still rocking 98.24+ I’m really nervous. My period is supposed to start today but if it don’t I’d be happy. I been tired constantly since 12 DPO and I been vomiting and not eating much since I feel sick all the time. My TWW is up today but I’m not able to test till Thursday. Currently in process of closing on a house and payday is Thursday. I’m hoping for a BFP but I’m not getting my hopes up. I feel small twinges. My cervix is high open and medium firmness. Cervical mucus was creamy this morning. Can see blue veins on the breasts which isn’t normal for me. On 8DPO to middle of 10 DPO I spotted and had a light flow that had no clots and didn’t require me to change a pad. It was pink/orange then towards the end brownish/pink. I’m hoping this is it. But again no hopes up. Deciding which HPT I should get. Clear blue digital or First Response Regular? My line eyes deceive me sometimes so maybe digital. What you ladies think? My TWW has a few more days. Anyone still wanna join In my anxiety?