New mom wanting to date. Baby daddy lives with me

My son’s father still lives with us. He doesn’t wanna leave so I’m breaking the lease(he’s not on the lease). He doesn’t want me to move on and refusing to leave so I told him I’ll just break the lease and he can get a new place and we’ll move in with my parents.

We were together for 8 years, the pregnancy was planned but things just got so bad once I was pregnant.

All we do is argue, we don’t kiss, we’re not intimate at all. I don’t remember the last time we had sex. We sleep together but he has his own blanket and I cuddle up with the baby anyways.

I feel like he’s always picking on me. “Why is your hair like that?, why you wearing that”. It’s never you look nice. He’ll throw the baby’s socks at me and laugh...everything is a joke to him and I’m stick up. When we go to the store, he’ll walk off with the baby and leave me’s like he’s embarrassed to be around me. He’ll walk right pass me too like we don’t even know each other. But when my family was here just last week he was telling my mom how he loves me , and wants to work things out etc but he acts different when it’s just us. I always hear, you’re boring now, I’m bored. I’m literally crying while writing this because I know I deserve so much better, but he’s such a great dad. I’m tired of staying just for the baby, it’s not healthy.

Is it terrible that I want to start dating? My son is almost 8 months and I’m just ready to start dating, so I can settle down and start a bigger family. I’m tired of how he treats me.