Menstrual Cups! What am I missing?


UPDATE: still struggling and honestly feeling like I’m going to give up on trying. 😭😭😭

I’ve spent $50 on these things and nothing is working. I don’t think I have it up far enough but it hurts to push farther. If I lay down with one less further in starts to push toward my labia and I can remove without any issue as it’s practically being pushed out by my body.

I’ve tried lube and without. I’ve tried the Cora cup and the Saalt regular and the three different folds.

Am I just not right for menstrual cups? 🙈 of course my cramps are horrible this month so I’m just a wreck.

——-Original Post———

I swear I must have the smallest opening or something or I don’t know my anatomy, but menstrual cups for me are ridiculously difficult to get to the right spot!! I have watched tons of videos and diagrams, got all up in my own business and it still feels uncomfortable when I put them in, yet everyone raves that they’re so comfortable that you can’t even feel them. I’ve tried standing sitting squatting Captain Morganing and even laying down. Has anyone else struggled with these silicone suckers? Help a girl out! 😂