🎀 We got to see Guinevere Today! 🎀

Shannon • ♡ 21 | DTX | ✞ | Married | Mommy ♡ Living Life’s Adventures!

She was measuring about 13 oz

with a heart rate of 136 bpm!

Today I am 21 Weeks and 1 day,

and she is measuring right along!


Please send your prayers or good wishes

our way as my Dr saw a spot on her heart.

He said it isn’t usually something they worry about

because they usually heal and go away on their own.

However I did some extra blood testing

to rule out any chromosomal abnormalities.

I’m praying for a healthy baby!


This time we got a clear image of her lady bits!

She’s definitely a girl!

Our little love didn’t want to give

a good side profile this time,

but she looked right at the Doppler!

When I put my hand on my tummy,

she likes to press her face into my palm,

so I think, that she thought, that it was my hand!!!


Next time I go in, at the end of the month,

I have to do the dreaded glucose test, yuck!

But to end on a good note,

I scheduled our 4D scan for July 21st!