Cant sleep(Tmi mentions throwup, kinda detailed) not for light stomachs

Shyanna • Mommy of Erik 09/14/17 and Aiden 07/17/2020

Ladies have a horrible phobia of throw up. I can handle my sons for the most part, and kids are okay too. But for older kids/teens/adults i just cant. Well today we decided to drive to my cousins house to visit after getting ice-cream. My mom, brother, son, moms boyfriend and I. On the way back there was a storm right behind us. Made it back before it started to downpour. We waiting out the storm to see how long it would last. It was quick so we still went out it was around 7 take 20 minutes to get there could stay about and hour hour and a half. She wanted my son to make s’mores on her fire pit she built. This is where my luck turns to shit. We are almost there and there are firefighters stopping people theres a tree down going to be about and hour. I call my cousin and there is a back route about 30 minutes from where we are. 20 from where i live as well. Well the gps reroutes us in the direction she told me to go, but then takes us the longest way there. My brother is in the back middle seat next to my son, and soon to be sons carseat i installed. He starts complaining he doesn’t feel good. I asked about 20 times if he wanted me to pull over for a bit to allow his stomach to settle then sit up front just in case i have to stop quickly for him to get our. I just cleaned my car for babies arrival(thank god i did it myself and didn’t pay to have it detailed) well anyway he said no im okay. About 5 minutes later were four minute away from my cousins house and he says i should pull over. I pull over unlock the door and tell him to go the direction of my soon to be sons carseat. He said he cant. I got out and opened the door for him and walked away because i didnt want to see. I heard the door slam shut i was like of fucking course(sorry for my french) i look inside quick he has his hands over his mouth as im opening the door again this time going to unattached the carseat from the base and run away. I look up and its all over my poor mother in the front passenger seat. That all i seen as i walked away and start balling. I walked away as far as i could to not see anything or smell anything. Its all over my car, my mom, my brother, and my son. My son got woken up abruptly and was crying for me, but i knew if i walked over there with my pregnancy senses i would be next to throw up. My mom cleaned up My son with wipes the only thing we had and put him in clean clothing. He still had a little smell to him, but i could bear it. My mom walked him over to me and i had my eyes closed and short over my face to not smell her. She also handed me my phone. I called my cousin who came and picked me and my son up. It was all over his car seat so i had to hold him on my lap. (She went really slow home 4 minutes, i had to do it there was no other option) when we got to here house my grandparents and her boyfriend were ready with buckets and spray and cleaning products and completely cleaned my car as i gave my son a bath at her house. I didn’t have to really deal with much other than seeing what was on my mom. Im so thankful for them, but i guess you cant get lucky 2 times in one day. We beat the storm, but it wouldn’t of happened if i just removed the carseat like i wanted too. If the tree didn’t fall down and i had to completely backtrack, and the gps didn’t take us the long way there with the detour. 4 more minutes shorter of a trip, and it wouldn’t of happened. Oh and it took about 10 minutes to find a spot to turn around and go back the way we came. We had to go down a road and find a driveway because everything else was blocked. My luck sucks sometimes, i had to vent it all out. So i can go to sleep not thinking about it lol!