New relationship Advice

Sara • I am a single mom of a 17yr old son & a very proud 3x survivor of brain tumors & brain surgeries. Also have 2 thyroid autoimmune diseases & i am finally in a place in which i am now thinking positive

Hi, I met "my guy" on a dating sight about a month ago, he msg me first & we chatted on there causally for a few days to get to know each other then exchanged #s & started talking/texting on the phone & met each other face to face like a wk later with the stipulations of if there was no attration we could be friends bc we both liked each other as people while only talking/msging. Anyways, i dont think I wasnt what he expected as far as my weight (long story short-have been seriously ill for 3 1/2 yrs that ive known about & for like 9 yrs before that was sick but no dr could find what was wrong but i was uncontollably gaining weight, & my moods & emotions were all out of wack no matter what i tried to do about them. I had gained like 130lbs in this Time frame. As of recent i have lost 25lbs which is good but barely makes a dent compared to how much i need to lose. i hate what these illnesses have done to me over the yrs not only physically but mentally & emotionally! But in the last month in a half i finally started changing my way of thinking & trying to be more positive & know i deserve happiness love health & to finally live & enjoy my life. So now that i am starting to feel better i have started walking & yoga & im on the road to better health! ;-) So this is why i think i wasnt what he expected even though i did put recent pics of me on the dating site) anyways we went for coffee & stayed there talking for like 2 hrs then went to walk at the beach for a little while and then went home. After i left him that night he text me that he had a great time & was glad to finally meet me... which i was happy of course but surprised as my confidence has to be rebuilt & also that he is very hard to read. Anyways he wanted to hang out the next day but i was already busy so we planned for the following day & we did towards the evening i guess he wanted to sooner by the "hints" he was texting me but maybe didnt want to be "forward" & come right out to ask me to hang out earlier. Anyways as $ is tight for both of us right now i went to watch a movie at his house & hang out & talk. The sexual tention was so thick for a long time, but he was a pure gentle man & made no moves except for scooting a little closer to me lol.. i, who am usually shy & insecure, made a move on him by rubbing his neck then offering him a massage lol and then after he offered me one & then, again lead by my initiation, we started kissing & then did the deed.. it was AMAZING!! Anyways, after each time he cuddled with me & felt all over my (disguiting) body & kissed. And before i went home early the next morning he thanked me & then text me after i left to say thank u & that he had a good time. Anyways a day later we did again and was talking seriously about things & i said first that the sex is amazing & i really like him as a person & i want to get to know each other better & see where it takes us & he agreed as well & also said he has to get a few things in his life more stable (nothing bad some goals hes working on & finances) & i agreed too for me. Anyways long story short i like him alot more then i ever expected to & i know he likes me too by texts what he says to me & gestures hes made to help me.

But hes still so hard to read, i try not to read him bc it will drive me crazy but its just idk.. lol

He is from Brazil & most Brazialian women have bangin' hot bodies & im over here needing to lose 100+ lbs i guess most of its my own insecurities as he told me he doesnt have a particular type & that i still look good and if i want to lose weight i can do i but to do it for myself. but still if the shoe was on the other foot i think i would be a little embarrased to be w a bigger guy & i also think about maybe the negative comments his cousins (who roommate with him) or friends might say about him being with a big girl.. he is a confident person, a free thinker & a manly man and i think he would stand up to them but idk....

Any advise would be appreciated.. im really into him he has so many qualities i like weither i knew before i met him or seeing them on him made me like them. I am so ready to settle down with someone as ive been through hell and back with my health & a past relationship.. im a single mom of a 15 yr old would like him to finally experience a dad figure & also want someone to spend my life with, love & help & be loved & helped. Been in only a few 'relationships' in the past but with the wrong guys. I just want to get it right this time around.. (oh and hes totally ok with me having a son, he loves kids & has already downloaded some anime shows for my son by his own gesture & has given my son advise on shaving (through me) i dont want them to meet now... to soon & not sure where it will go..)