Preacher wife dilemma

Hey. Before I tell my, I’m just that I am a southern girl in MS delta. Where we use the term “First Lady” for preacher wives. If your husband is a pastor of a church then that makes you a First Lady. Ok so here my question:

Are there any First Ladies that don’t want to be First Ladies?

My husband is young and just became a pastor. We are both 30 yrs old and he is Baptist preacher. Before he became a pastor, he was under his father... preachers son. So the spotlight was on us like this. So I am a very shy person. Being pushed into the spotlight makes me very nervous but yet my husband pushes me to do things like be on programs to introduce him, Host the program and I am very nervous to speak. Like I don’t mind being asked to do something and help but to be put on front lines and do it. Makes me very nervous. Or make a women group like a support group where women can talk in private and i don’t have leadership skills? So because I am very reluctant and shy.... members are like thinking that I don’t like them or don’t wanna do things in the church and it’s hindering my marriage. My husband think I don’t fully support him and I don’t like being put in this position feeling forced outside my comfort zone. I just feel very uncomfortable and everyone is telling me what kind of Preachers wife I should be.

How do I deal? What can I do?

I am in the south where they call the preacher wife First Lady.