Deleting Social Media

If social media is negatively impacting you, I highly suggest that you step away from it. I’m only 19 and struggle everyday from major anxiety. I’m medicated and constantly finding distractions for it, all before I’m even 20. As a young adult, I’ve been connected with social media and it was really hard to let go. I was telling myself to keep it just in case people needed to reach me. That’s just not the case. If people need to reach you, they WILL reach you. Social media (of all kinds) has ruined my mental health, on top of an already fragile one.

Media has so much more negativity than positivity. You can follow positive people and still see negative comments. It’s all over the place. Social media can be a great place to find support and it has a great outreach. It also has a huge impact on people. Ever since I stepped away and deleted most forms of social media, I’ve had a much better mindset. For somebody with anxiety, media is one of the worst things.

This may be useless to most people, but really, if you’re struggling and think media may be an issue, try stepping away. See if it helps you. It has helped me tons and I just want to help others.