Feels like we are house mates rather than husband and wife lately

Has anyone else's husband become so emotionally detached? We have always been a very affectionate couple but these lasts months of pregnancy he doesn't seem to have any interest at all. Sex is gone completely, I've brought it up but he says it's not the same, it's too awkward etc - this makes me feel so attractive let me tell you! He seen a picture of me recently just at Start of pregnancy and made a comment like oh there's my wife, as if to say not who's there now. It was bad enough the sex stopping but now I don't even get a cuddle or a kiss unless I say something. This man always had a strong sex drive but it seems my pregnant body doesn't do it for him. I sleep most nights in a spare room due to being uncomfortable and sore with a pre exsisiting condition so now it just feels like we share a house, that it's, not our home. Not to mention we have our first baby coming in a few weeks which he seems to be less excited about too (he already has kids). I just worry if we are this separated already what will it be like when baby comes and we are stressed and sleep deprived too. I guess I just miss our relationship, the affection and the fact that our "team" seems to be disappearing. I have tried talking to him and he's affectionate for a day or so again then stops. It's very hurtful because it's not how he used to be. We always dealt with everything as a team (a lot of past history and drama with exs etc) and now that this exciting part of our lives is happening it feels like we ate losing "us" already. Any advice because right now these hormones are making me feel like I'm due to explode at his ass!