15 days late 😅

Hailey • 21 • Amaria Rae born on 6/6/2018 • Type 1 Diabetic

So I need opinions/advice

My boyfriend and I were together for a year, and I thought he was who I was supposed to be with, and we were having unprotected sex ALOT.

Well I started having baby fever and told him I wanted another kid, and he was fine with it.

Fast forward to now, we broke up earlier this week, and my period is 15 days late. My cycle is super regular, never late more than like two days. I’ve taken idk how many tests and ALL of them show up negative.

I told him before we broke up that I might be pregnant, but I couldn’t know for sure because none of the tests came out positive.

I’ve thought about going to my obgyn, but with corona and all the regulations getting an appointment is difficult, and the soonest ones are two weeks away.

Idk what to do. Like I’m at the point where I’m freaking out every day like I just want an answer for what’s going on.