Formula feed mommas


Hey ladies! Hope you’re all doing well with this new transition 💗 My little lady is 7 weeks old and was just diagnosed with milk/soy protein intolerance so we had to switch her to formula 😭 a little sad as I wished we could BF longer. I have a few questions regarding water storage and powdered formula. According to the purified infant water label, I am to store the water in the refrigerator and boil the water for 1 minute.

1. Do you store the gallon of formula water in the refrigerator then take it out to boil as needed? I was told by a few people to keep it out in room temperature and make a bottle that way.

2. If you do put it in the refrigerator, what do you do when you have to go out and take a bottle along? Put an ice pack & make a bottle that way?

Any other advise regarding formula feeding are welcomed! TIA