Ended things..

I broke up with my toxic LDR.

I love him, I always will, I dont think he meant to be this way but the distance got the best of us and I deserve to be treated better.

About 3 weeks ago we got into an argument and he pushed me to "take space for my mental health" After accusing me of acting distant. I thought this was odd because I didn't think I was acting distant. I had answered text calls video calls and everything else. After he told me to take some space he started to distance himself from me and stay out all night. Obviously Looking back at it he was done with me but didn't have the guts to end the relationship. I had wanted to fix it because I loved him And we had spent a year trying to make this work. Untill the allegation of me being distant I thought everything was fine. There were a few things that I 2nd guessed, but everything seemed to have a reason. Tonight he got mad at me and basically said I wasnt worth the effort. This all started because he hadn't texted me in hours and when he did text me he was very defensive and rude. I told him I hadn't heard from him but had been waiting on him.to tell me it was okay that I video call him for his birthday. He told me he didnt have time for "playing games" and would be ignoring me until Monday.

Honestly I've just had enough. This has been going on for months and I'm tired of someone making me feel like I'm not good enough. Emotional abuse and constantly invalidating my feelings..I ended things and blocked his number.

I woke up this morning missing him, thinking about the good moments. But I'm trying to be strong..