Rolling milestone for almost one year old??


So... for those that have seen some of my posts you would know my little one doesn’t really crawl or walk or anything like that and I’ve been concerned but in touch with our family doctor. He rolled from tummy to back a few times at 4 months and then basically stopped when he learned he could sit. And then he bum scooter in a circle and at 11 months for the first time rolled tummy to back. He started crawling from his tummy backwards during tummy time a tiny bit a couple weeks ago but hates it and screams. Well all of a sudden today during a nap and now bedtime he has rolled from his back to his tummy! He managed to roll back to his back during his nap so he was fine and slept. But it’s night time now and he’s stuck on his tummy and screaming. What did you guys do when this happened when your little ones did this? Just leave them to figure it out? Or help them?? I know this should have probably happened months ago but this is a first for us!