3 months with this sweet face!⠀ ⠀ Blakely is laughing and talking up a storm (in her own

3 months with this sweet face!⠀ ⠀ Blakely is laughing and talking up a storm (in her own language of course). Her personality continues to grow and shine bright. Josh is starting to get excited about her cute outfits now that they’re not just “plain onesies” (this romper is his favorite). She always looks so big until she gets in daddy’s arms and reminds me how much of a little peanut she actually is.⠀ ⠀ In light of recent events: baby girl, I promise to teach you equality. Not to ignore that people are different color but to embrace it, love it and learn about it. Our differences are beautiful, not something to fear. If we could all grow to love that.... what a beautiful place it would be.⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ #blakelyrosecorbin #girlmoms #babyrollsfordays #preciousmemories #nevergrowupplease #mombloggercommunity #crunchbrunchrepeat #momsofgirls #rawmotherhood #firsttimemoms #mamasofinstagram #hotmessmom #girldads #motherhooduncensored #motherhood_squares #mommymoment #momsofiginspire #momblogs #csectionmom #everydaymom #newadventureseveryday #newparents #mommyblogs #welcometoparenthood #embraceyourmotherhood #momstyleblogger #blm #antiracism #threemonthsold