Me and this boy was on FaceTime and he started masterbating like 3 mins into the call. At first I was like okay whatever but when we got off the phone I felt some type of way. I sent him this whole paragraph about how that was disrespectful because my intentions were for us to talk and I felt I was just there for him to masterbate. So after I sent that he apologized and said sorry for disrespecting me. I just don’t know if I should accept his apology and forget about the whole situation. Because it’s been two days now and he just text me he didn’t like how things were left between us. But idk If I should talk it out with him or blocked him. I do have love for him because he was my first but we are not on that level for him to be doing that oh and btw he ask if I would pull out my boob on FaceTime and I politely declined it. What do y’all think about the situation