Guys so this is my story, sooooo I have a boyfriend for sometimes now, I have been holding out on sex for months cause I chose to be celibate. I have been celibate for over a year. But recently I broke it with my bf. Our protection broke and we took precaution with the plan b pill. Literally a week later my period comes down heavy ( I freaked out cause my last period was a week prior to all this, so I had 2 periods in 1 month) so this my first concern is this normal ?

Next thing, after my period ended, I had a burning sensation when I peed and I thought it was a UTI but I immediately changed my mind when I saw my discharge. It's a yellow green color and liquid like, it has no odor and I have no itch, redness, inflammation. Nothing else, just the burning when I pee, and the fluid yellow green discharge. Should I be worried or has anyone gone through this before? I'm super scared.