FIVE freakin’ MONTHS! Five months lovin’ on you and watching you grow. So curious. So

FIVE freakin’ MONTHS! Five months lovin’ on you and watching you grow. So curious. So cute. So incredibly loving and sweet. Been rolling over for almost a month. Still exclusively on the boob, and actually hates bottles... 🙃 Hair quit falling out, so now we’re mostly bald with some stray hairs, haha. Looks like I’ll have another blue-eyed blondie, but secretly still praying for red hair! Happy as a clam. LOVES her big sister. And her daddy. And her mommy. She truly is just so loving. 3-6 month clothes are getting too small, but our 6-9 is spring and summer stuff, so we’re temporarily shoving into the smaller size haha. Size 2 diapers (gettin snug). Currently living through her first quarantine (seems the same as normal life). Swear on my life - ask @mitchrich27 - she’s been saying mama for about a month (primarily when “starving” after 90 minutes without food 😅). LOVES bouncing in her bouncer, and already moving around the house in her walker. She’s dying to keep up with her sissy. We love you P. You’re still the cherry on top. 🍒 ⋒ ⋒ ⋒ #LifeWithParkerNicole #Month5 #FiveMonthsOld #5MonthsOld #CuteBabies