How to check your cervix position☝✌

🎄☃️❄️Kayla❄️☃️🎄 • 27 yrs old & mother of 3 sons Aiden, Eli & Leo ❤️ TTC 3 years, 2 miscarriages & now sweet Leo is 3 months! 💞💖💖

The cervix changes throughout the menstrual cycle in response to the hormone, estrogen.

During non-fertile times, the cervix is closed, firm(like the tip of your nose), and low.

As ovulation approaches and to allow the passage of sperm from the cervix into the uterus, the cervix opens up, becomes soft(like your lips) and high and is harder to reach.

If your not comfortable checking during your menstrual period, check it right after, as it will still be low, closed, and firm. As you get closer to your fertile week, it will start to open up, get higher, and feel softer(like your chin). When your the most fertile, it will be open, high(might not be able to reach it), and soft like your lips as if their puckered up.

In the comment below, I will describe instructions and pictures on how to check your cervix position.

I hope these help you in your journey to that little blessing🙏💕👶🍼👣