Mucus plug should I be concerned?



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I am 21 weeks and this came out should I be concerned?

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Posted at
I actually had this today too and I'm 20 weeks. If it is the plug, I wouldnt worry too much. Mucous plugs can regenerate. You can lose it multiple times and it can grow back. I'd only be concerned if you are bleeding alot or have regular contractions or other signs of labor. But mucous plug alone is not a cause for concern.


Posted at
Mucus plug can reform. It’s not anything to be concerned about unless you start to bleed or contract. You’ll likely lose it again before baby is born.


Posted at
Odd because this also happened to me today. It was a bit more than that, I am 23+3. I think it is normal and I know it can’t regenerate. I did not lose any with my first baby this early, but I know each pregnancy is different!


Stephanie • Jun 10, 2020
I meant CAN regenerate!!


Posted at
Your mucus plug can grow back, don’t worry, it happens to a lot of women


Posted at
Same thing happened to me with my daughter, no issues. And once I lost my mucus plug in labor, girl the sheer volume of rubber cement like discharge was nuts. So if that’s part of it, it’s a very small part of it.


Ca • Jun 10, 2020
So it could be part of it. Just watch for any bleeding or contractions.


Kay • Jun 10, 2020
It was like thick rubber


Posted at
Unless you also see blood and star contractions in the next 30 min, if not it’s normal